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Alternate Reality Game

Game and Narrative Design

Narrative Cooking Game

Game and Narrative Design

Nani's Biryani

November 2023 | Designer - Gameplay, Narrative, Audio
Narrative Cooking | Unity | Team Size: 5 | Duration: 3 Weeks


Conceptualized and designed narrative beats, wrote dialogue, provided voice direction, and engineered in-game audio.



Alternate Reality Game

Game and Narrative Design

Mission-based, Role-playing

Game and Narrative Design

Spacer's Protocol

September 2023 | Designer - Gameplay, Narrative, Writer
Mission-based, Role-playing | Board Game |
Team Size: 4 | Duration: 3


Conceptualized and developed gameplay and missions, focusing on a sci-fi-themed campaign with an evolving narrative. 

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Alternate Reality Game

Game and Narrative Design

Gamified Simulation-based Training

Learning and Game Design


August 2021 | Learning Game Designer - Narrative, Gameplay
Gamified Simulation-based Training | Playstructor (Proprietary engine) |
Team Size: 5 | Duration: 6 months


Developed 14 single and multiplayer healthcare training scenarios. Delivered with post-evaluation surveys indicating over 90% learning effectiveness.

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Alternate Reality Game

Game and Narrative Design

Gamified Simulation-based Training

Learning and Narrative Design


December 2021 | Learning Designer- Gameplay, Narrative
Gamified Simulation-based Training | Playstructor (proprietary)| Team Size: 6 | Duration: 6 months


Developed learning objectives and gameplay, conceptualized characters, facilitated brainstorming with subject manner experts.


Alternate Reality Game

Game and Narrative Design

Escape Room
Game Design


April 2019 | Game Designer- Gameplay, Puzzle, Environment
Escape Room | Team Size: 10 | Duration: 3 months


Devised puzzles and set design to support the narrative and player experience of recovering lost memories in an escape room theater show.


Alternate Reality Game

Game and Narrative Design

Party Board Game
Game Design

Ready, Set, Action!

December 2018 | Designer- Gameplay, Writer
Party Game | Board Game | Team Size: 3 | Duration: 2 weeks


Conceptualized rules, reward systems, and gameplay in movie-based party game.


Alternate Reality Game

Game and Narrative Design

Board Game
Game Design

Racky Waces

September 2018 | Designer- Gameplay
Racing Game| Board Game | Team Size: 4 | Duration: 2 weeks


Conceptualized gameplay and tile mechanics to create a press-your-luck racing player experience.

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Alternate Reality Game

Game and Narrative Design

Informational Talk
Game Design

Emotionally-driven Game Design

July 2022 | Author, Presenter
Informational Talk | Team Size: 2 | Duration: 1 week


Consolidated concepts of Game Design and presented them for an APAC-wide company talk.


Alternate Reality Game

Game and Narrative Design

Sample Documentation
Game Design

Sample Documentation

Various | Designer- Experience, Character, Mission

Samples illustrating my design thought processes, including overall experience conceptualization, character design, and gamification. 

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