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Over the years, I've attempted different Game Design prompts to keep my skills sharp and chart my growth.

Learn in-depth about my game and narrative design process below.

Game Conceptualization

Skills used: Narrative Design, Game Conceptualization

Year attempted: 2021

Platform: PC and Consoles

Prompt: Create a narrative and game concept for an underwater adventure treasure game to find hidden treasure aimed at younger audiences. 

Access: View the document here.

Underwater adventure treasure hunt.png
Mission and Level Design

Skills: Mission and Level Design

Year attempted: 2020

Platform: Consoles

Prompt: Create a mission for an open world action-adventure game with a summary of its key beats.
Access: View the document here.

pirates assulting a port.png
Hero Design

Skills: Hero and Narrative Design

Year attempted: 2020

Platform: Mobile

Prompt: Create a concept for a new hero for a mobile fantasy gacha game, along with its skills and biography.

Access: View the document here.

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