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Shortcuts to Writing Samples:

Writing Portfolio - Link

Dialogue (Dramatic) - Starless Sleepsong

Dialogue (Comedic) -  Bags, Buckets, and Bluffs

Character Design - Nassir Derray | Bellatrix Syndulla

Interactive Text - The Ephemeral Rift

Lore Building - Prometheus Landing


Intended as short cutscenes for AAA action-adventure games, these stand-alone samples are focused on dialogue, characters, and conflict. 


Starless Sleepsong captures the grim tone of a world embroidered with battle, while Bags, Buckets, and Bluffs leans into absurdity in a hostage negotiation. 

Character Design

Used as a reference for the rest of the development team, these documents include backstory, barks, suggested gameplay skills, and visual references.


Nassir Derray was written for a sci-fi squad-based battle royale shooter, while Bellatrix Syndulla (and designs for her character backstory mission) was written for a sci-fi tactical combat hero collector. 

Nassir Deraay.png
Forceflask gauntlet.png
Interactive Text

Constructed with Twine, The Ephemeral Rift is a branching narrative of a fantastical world that allows players to rediscover lost friendships. 


As my first attempt at an interactive story, my narrative design prioritized player agency and gave the player creative ways of problem-solving. Read how I did it here.

ephemeral rift_edited.jpg
ephemeral rift2.jpg
Lore Building

The prose, Prometheus Landing, details the first sci-fi corporation that has commercialized inter-dimensional travel, and to give greater specificity to the world, I have detailed its beginnings, flagship product, and its mechanics.


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